Sr. Bridgita Samba Mwawasi
(Sisters of St. Joseph of Mombasa, Kenya)
ACWECA Secretary General

Veronica Achieng
Administration Assistant

Sr. Leonidah Shimanyula
(Sisters of Mary of Kakamega - Kenya)
Finance Desk

Sr. Helen Kasaka (Little Servants of Mary Immaculate – Zambia)
Social Communication

Sr. Helen Scholastica Mutuma (Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation - Kenya)

Sr. Rose Chereno (Little Sisters of St. Joseph, Kenya)

Sr. Christine Mwangi
(Sisters of Emmanuel - Kenya)
Leadership for Mission Coordinator

Sr. Grace Yangi (Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, South Sudan)
Leadership for Mission Ass. Coordinator- Formation

Sr. Teresa Banda (Teresian Sisters – Malawi)
SCORE ECD Coordinator

Sr. Celestine Nasiali (Oblate Sisters of Assumption, Kenya)
Sisters Blended Value Project Coordinator

Sr. Clara Mangwengwe (Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood, Zimbabwe)
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Coordinator

Mr. Albert Miruka,