

  • Promote effective Leadership for the Association, National Associations and Individual Institutes.
  • Strengthen Initial and On-Going Formation.
  • Provide Research, Education and Capacity building for Women Religious in areas of need.
  • To be advocates for Justice and Peace
  • Foster Self-Sustenance of the Association, National Associations and Individual Institutes.
  • To collect membership dues from the National Associations and associate members and, accept donations and grants from other suitable bodies, to be used solely for the achievement of its objectives.


ACWECA’s core values influence the organization’s decisions and priorities on its core business; guides its choices concerning its core business and partners; and how it goes about its core business. The Association shall endeavor to uphold a set of core values to guide all its undertakings in delivering its mandate. These core values include

Prayer and witness to Christ

Prayer will remain the foundation of our life and ministry. We equally recognize the importance of evangelism and we strive to reach out to others in our words and deeds.

Unity and Solidarity

We believe in empowerment through unity and Solidarity and will embrace aspects of these in decision making at all levels for collective responsibility.

Integrity and Commitment

We will embrace the virtue of integrity in all our activities. We believe in excellence and dedication to our course.

Transparency and accountability

We will uphold honesty, accountability and transparency at all times and at all levels.