During the implementation of its 2011 –2016 Strategic plan, ACWECA Leadership and Administration noted that the Sisters in the Region still need more support especially in promoting effective Leadership in the Region, National Associations and in the Institutes.
As such, ACWECA’s 2017—2022 Strategic Plan designed a programme in response to this felt need. This programme is aimed at addressing gaps in areas of Chapter celebration, Formation, Governance and sustainability and the Administration of temporal goods.
The identified areas will be addressed through workshops indicated in the programmes below. ACWECA has trainers and consultants with the relevant expertise who can handle the topics.
The goal of this programme is:
- To have within reach Sisters who can help in Chapter Celebration.
- To enable Superiors to effectively implement their Chapter Resolutions and,
- To enable Superiors to prepare for leadership transition.
Objectives of the Programme
- Promote effective Leadership for the Region, National Associations and in the Institutes.
- Strengthen Initial and On-Going Formation and,
- Foster Self-sustenance in National Associations and in Institutes.
The target group
This programme is particularly targeting any Superior General, Provincial Superiors, Superior Delegates and Regional Superiors who are responsible for leading, planning, organizing, coordinating and protecting the patrimony of the institutes.
This programme is expected to take off on the designated months:
Newly elected leaders:
Module I: November
Module II: June/July
Module III: April the following year
Chapter Celebration
Module I: March
Module II: May
Structure of the Programmes
ACWECA will call the Sisters who have reached maturity stage in their vocation and have been in leadership to be trained in Chapter celebration for a period of six weeks. This period will be divided into two modules of three weeks each. The first module covers all the components of what a Chapter is, while the second module covers practical issues – how to effectively and creatively facilitate a religious Chapter.
Governance and Sustainability
ACWECA will train newly elected Superiors on implementation of Chapter Resolutions, Canonical issues, Formation and Administration of temporary goods. This workshop will be done yearly for 5 days.
Leadership Transition
ACWECA will train Superiors who are due for Chapter to prepare them for transition and efficient handover. This workshop will be done yearly for 5 days.
Requirements for registration
Each participant wishing to participate in these formation programmes will be expected to pay a non-refundable application fees of US$50.
Name of Applicant: …………………………………………………………………………… Programme applied for: ……………………………………………………………..…………
Name of the Institute: ……………………………………………………………………….. Contact …………………………………………………………………………………………
Country: …………………………………………………………………………..………………….. Phone: …………………………………………………………………………………..………
Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
You are expected to apply six (6) weeks before the commencement of the programme to:
Leadership for Mission Coordinator
ACWECA Secretariat
P.O. Box 1056-00511 Ongata Rongai, Kenya or email us at:,